Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Weekly Enigma

With my first submission to Weird Tales held up a week I don’t have much to report on the writing front. Still, here’s another riddle to keep you wanderers thinking.

A thousand teeth of cloth and steel inside a towering beast.
Every morn’ it chews its food, but later it’s released!

What are the teeth? What is the beast? What is the food?


Daniel Bullard-Bates said...

I'd say the beast is a loom, the food is the thread being fed into the loom. The teeth are the shuttle/base threads.

Unknown said...

A loom may be made of many things, and does not tower over anything great. A fine guess, but you say wrong sai.

Robin said...

Hmm... I want to say an elevator in a skyscraper, taking people in in the morning, but that doesn't explain the 'cloth' part of the teeth.

Unknown said...

Very close Robin. You hit the mark with the skyscraper and the food. The teeth are the cubicles we spend our days being gnashed between.